Quantum Foundation is a private grantmaking organization based in West Palm Beach, Florida. 100% of our grants helping organizations that work directly in our local communities. We look for exciting and innovative projects that create better engagement in health, greater access to health resources, and stronger connections for healthy communities. Our aim is for everyone in Palm Beach County to have the opportunity to live a healthy life, regardless of their income, education, or background.
Regular grants are for organizations with programs that align with one or more of our three targeted Impact Zones.
Regular grants are primarily awarded to high-capacity organizations and are generally greater than $25,000.
These smaller grants are for projects that meet the basic needs of people in Palm Beach County. Your request must be for less than $25,000.
QIC grants are awarded once a year and are $25,000 or less.
We take a collaborative approach to addressing needs in our community. Working to get upstream on issues, stakeholders are engaged to develop solutions around an area of need. Initiatives combine the impact of grantmaking with convening and collaboration and are catalytic in nature.