Stronger Communities Initiative


The Quantum Foundation is seeking proposals for projects designed to improve the community health of the Northwest, Coleman Park, Pleasant City, Northwood Hills, Pinewood Park, and North 45th Street communities of West Palm Beach.


Community organizations providing supports and services focused on the social determinants of health: the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These determinants include various factors such as socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood environment, access to healthcare, social support networks, and the ability to engage in healthy behaviors. They play a significant role in influencing individual and community health outcomes, as they can either promote health and well-being or contribute to health disparities and inequities.


Projects that are collaborative in nature, innovative in design, and have the potential for significant, measurable, and sustained impact will be at an advantage in seeking Quantum Foundation funding. Funding is available to support projects for one year. There is the possibility of additional funding for projects that are successful.

cleaned up map

All submissions must be submitted through the online grants portal. The deadline to submit a letter of inquiry (LOI) is January 17, 2024. Successful LOIs will be invited to submit a full proposal by March 8, 2024.

Applications are currently closed

November 2023

Announce release of Stronger Communities Initiative RFP

November 2023

January 2024

Letter of inquiry (LOI) Deadline

January 2024

January - February 2024

LOI applications are reviewed by Quantum Foundation staff

January - February 2024

February 2024

Recommended projects are moved to the full proposal stage

February 2024

March 2024

Full proposal application deadline

March 2024

March - April 2024

Full proposals are reviewed by staff, funding recommendations determined

March - April 2024

April 2024

Projects reviewed and recommended by Grants Committee

April 2024

May 2024

Board of trustees determines funding decisions

May 2024

July 2024

Funding begins                         

July 2024

Do you have questions about the Strong Communities Initiative (SCI)?

Contact us today and a Quantum Foundation Representative will get back to you.

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Congratulations to the SCI award recipients

09 Community Partners

Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) – The Hub

Community Partners of South Florida plans to launch The Hub, a new community center on the Tamarind corridor, designed to empower residents through comprehensive services including financial literacy, housing education, and mental health support. Funding will enable CPSFL to revitalize the area, fostering self-sufficiency and enhancing community well-being.

03 H4H

Habitat for Humanity Greater PBC- Neighborhood Engagement

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County plans to empower community leaders in Coleman Park, Northwest, and Pleasant City to beautify the exterior of homes through a resident-led council model.  This initiative aims to promote community pride and increase access to affordable homeownership opportunities, fostering sustainable neighborhood improvements.

06 HHH Ministries

Heart, Health, Healing Ministries- Pilot Nutrition Program 

Heart, Health & Healing Ministries is leading a collaborative pilot program aimed at improving nutritional well-being and health outcomes in underserved Palm Beach County communities. The grant funding will support health and nutrition education, medical screenings, weekly food distributions, and community outreach efforts to address malnutrition and promote sustainable health improvements among vulnerable populations.

08 Inner City Innovators

Inner City Innovators – Project Hope Dealer 

The Hope Dealer Mentoring Program by Inner City Innovators supports youth in Palm Beach County's violence-affected communities with leadership training and trauma-informed mentoring. Funding will expand these critical services in high-risk areas, aiming to reduce the impact of violence and empower young lives towards positive outcomes.

05 Legal Aid Society

Neighborhood Renaissance – Legacy Property Preservation and Legal Aid Society of PBC – Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project 

Neighborhood Renaissance and Legal Aid Society are collaborating to address housing instability and legal challenges in minority neighborhoods through integrated programs. The Legacy Property Preservation Program and the Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project initiatives aim to empower homeowners, resolve property legalities, and promote wealth transfer. Support of these efforts will enhance neighborhood stability and tackle systemic inequalities, fostering long-term community well-being.

02 Nrighborhood Renaissance

Neighborhood Renaissance – Legacy Property Preservation and Legal Aid Society of PBC – Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project 

Neighborhood Renaissance and Legal Aid Society are collaborating to address housing instability and legal challenges in minority neighborhoods through integrated programs. The Legacy Property Preservation Program and the Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project initiatives aim to empower homeowners, resolve property legalities, and promote wealth transfer. Support of these efforts will enhance neighborhood stability and tackle systemic inequalities, fostering long-term community well-being.

07 Pathways to Prosperity

Pathways to Prosperity – Circles Palm Beach County 

Pathways to Prosperity's Circles Palm Beach County expansion in the Stronger Communities neighborhoods will pair under-resourced Circle Leaders with middle- to upper-income allies to foster mutual support and goal setting. The funding award will strengthen this initiative by offering financial literacy, support networks, and a savings match program, empowering residents to achieve economic self-sufficiency and advocate for equitable opportunities in their communities.

04 Rose Trolley

Rose Trolley- Driving Equity 

Rose's Transportation Services (RTS) Driving Equity initiative implements an integrative, human-centered micro-transit program to address critical needs in West Palm Beach's underserved Northwest Neighborhoods. This initiative aims to foster community connections while ensuring equitable access to essential services and resources and delivering basic needs.  Driving Equity aims to empower the community and enhance overall well-being in an area marked by socioeconomic and health disparities.

01 U.B. Kinsey

U.B. Kinsey Education and Community Center – Community Care Initiative

The U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center serves as a central hub in West Palm Beach's Northwest Neighborhood, hosting three nonprofit organizations dedicated to providing medical services, mental health support, and family resources to SCI community residents. The $25,000 grant will enhance this collaborative initiative through marketing efforts, community engagement events, website improvements, and strengthened partnerships, aiming to improve health outcomes, expand healthcare access, and promote health equity in the neighborhood.

Congratulations to the SCI award recipients

09 Community Partners

Community Partners of South Florida (CPSFL) – The Hub

Community Partners of South Florida plans to launch The Hub, a new community center on the Tamarind corridor, designed to empower residents through comprehensive services including financial literacy, housing education, and mental health support. Funding will enable CPSFL to revitalize the area, fostering self-sufficiency and enhancing community well-being.

03 H4H

Habitat for Humanity Greater PBC- Neighborhood Engagement

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Palm Beach County plans to empower community leaders in Coleman Park, Northwest, and Pleasant City to beautify the exterior of homes through a resident-led council model.  This initiative aims to promote community pride and increase access to affordable homeownership opportunities, fostering sustainable neighborhood improvements.

06 HHH Ministries

Heart, Health, Healing Ministries- Pilot Nutrition Program 

Heart, Health & Healing Ministries is leading a collaborative pilot program aimed at improving nutritional well-being and health outcomes in underserved Palm Beach County communities. The grant funding will support health and nutrition education, medical screenings, weekly food distributions, and community outreach efforts to address malnutrition and promote sustainable health improvements among vulnerable populations.

08 Inner City Innovators

Inner City Innovators – Project Hope Dealer 

The Hope Dealer Mentoring Program by Inner City Innovators supports youth in Palm Beach County's violence-affected communities with leadership training and trauma-informed mentoring. Funding will expand these critical services in high-risk areas, aiming to reduce the impact of violence and empower young lives towards positive outcomes.

05 Legal Aid Society

Neighborhood Renaissance – Legacy Property Preservation and Legal Aid Society of PBC – Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project 

Neighborhood Renaissance and Legal Aid Society are collaborating to address housing instability and legal challenges in minority neighborhoods through integrated programs. The Legacy Property Preservation Program and the Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project initiatives aim to empower homeowners, resolve property legalities, and promote wealth transfer. Support of these efforts will enhance neighborhood stability and tackle systemic inequalities, fostering long-term community well-being.

02 Nrighborhood Renaissance

Neighborhood Renaissance – Legacy Property Preservation and Legal Aid Society of PBC – Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project 

Neighborhood Renaissance and Legal Aid Society are collaborating to address housing instability and legal challenges in minority neighborhoods through integrated programs. The Legacy Property Preservation Program and the Heirs Property Legal Preservation Project initiatives aim to empower homeowners, resolve property legalities, and promote wealth transfer. Support of these efforts will enhance neighborhood stability and tackle systemic inequalities, fostering long-term community well-being.

07 Pathways to Prosperity

Pathways to Prosperity – Circles Palm Beach County 

Pathways to Prosperity's Circles Palm Beach County expansion in the Stronger Communities neighborhoods will pair under-resourced Circle Leaders with middle- to upper-income allies to foster mutual support and goal setting. The funding award will strengthen this initiative by offering financial literacy, support networks, and a savings match program, empowering residents to achieve economic self-sufficiency and advocate for equitable opportunities in their communities.

04 Rose Trolley

Rose Trolley- Driving Equity 

Rose's Transportation Services (RTS) Driving Equity initiative implements an integrative, human-centered micro-transit program to address critical needs in West Palm Beach's underserved Northwest Neighborhoods. This initiative aims to foster community connections while ensuring equitable access to essential services and resources and delivering basic needs.  Driving Equity aims to empower the community and enhance overall well-being in an area marked by socioeconomic and health disparities.

01 U.B. Kinsey

U.B. Kinsey Education and Community Center – Community Care Initiative

The U.B. Kinsey Educational & Community Center serves as a central hub in West Palm Beach's Northwest Neighborhood, hosting three nonprofit organizations dedicated to providing medical services, mental health support, and family resources to SCI community residents. The $25,000 grant will enhance this collaborative initiative through marketing efforts, community engagement events, website improvements, and strengthened partnerships, aiming to improve health outcomes, expand healthcare access, and promote health equity in the neighborhood.